It turns out that a AUD50 police check does not buy a lot of comfort or trust these days.
And the sharing economy companies and governments around the world know it.
For example, 1 in 9 applicants were rejected. Ouch.
Under a new state background check process in Massachusetts, 8,206 people who applied to drive for ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft between January and April were denied licenses, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities announced Wednesday.
Most of the rejections were due to suspended licenses or people not having enough years of driving experience to qualify for the companies, The Boston Globe reports. There were hundreds of other applications tossed out due to serious crimes, like violent offenses or reckless driving, and 51 sex offenders were denied licenses. A total of 70,789 applications were submitted.

Or this one:

“We boosted our margins saying our rides were safer,” the former told Isaac last year as he was researching his book. “It was obscene.”
Here is an Australian example of a sharing economy (delivering group) called Sherpa:

And then this: “System for background checks on Victorian rideshare drivers was broken for two years.”
Nearly 3000 rideshare drivers in Victoria may have been allowed to operate despite having a criminal record because of a system failure.


“I mean, when you look at the insider threat, because that’s what we’re talking about is that new insider threat. In fact, it would be the most difficult one in all my over 25 years that I will have faced because it’s even more difficult than normal insider because of the monitoring aspect. … In fact, some of the normal things we would do is background checks. Well, as you start to think about what do you do, well, how do you do a background check on somebody? It takes two weeks to get a background check done, and they’re only going to be here two weeks.” – Source
In Australia, we suggest a high end suitability background vetting app with 1-3 day turn around – will keep everyone safe and provide the sharing economy a credible platform to flourish and also remove FUD – Fear Uncertainty Doubt.
Q. Would your sharing economy company, or your online dating platform or your gig economy company benefit from have a trustworthy credential to boost your business? is the standard … because it is in accordance with the Australian Standards for Workforce Screening 4811 2022 and uses the Attorney General’s standards for honesty, trustworthiness, tolerance, maturity, loyalty and resilience.