Phone Call: What is your security strategy?


A Hypothetical one Sided Phone call between friends, goes something like this:

Caller A: So, what’s your security strategy?

Caller A: What do I mean? Well, IBM says 44.5% of breaches are caused by malicious trusted insiders. Not fat fingers, not clicking on a wrong hyper-link, not accidents, not Russian hackers. Intentional.

Caller A: So let me be more specific, what’s your ‘personnel’ security strategy?

Caller A: Nothing? Then you are ripe for a disaster. [see headline photo for Caller B’s expression] Let’s be real about this and figure out what you should do. Question: What’s your acceptable level of spending pain when it comes to securing the future of your company?

Caller A: No Idea? Well first thing first: you need to know your people. So what about starting off with background screening service that checks 9.5x more facts than a simple police check alone to see if your new recruits don’t raise any red flags in their personal lives that could flow into the workplace. Put that process inside your existing hiring process so it doesn’t disrupt the flow. Then on a rolling basis, have your existing staff checked, too.

Caller A: OK – Head over to for a quote. They are Defence vetting experts that have bridged the gap between Defence personnel security and Business personnel security. They use the similar tools and standards but have customised it to organisations like yours.

For more reading:

  • At-a-glance, what we do: Click here
  • 1 in 4 fail pre-employment integrity tests. Click here​​