How we are partnering in large scale Defence projects early and responding to needs pre-emptively.

As a leader in national security clearances, we also have a B2B background screening solution that is an Australian standard (4811:2022) can be incorporated into large scale projects and bid proposals. For example, if a Defence Prime requires key management (and staff generally) to hold an AGSVA security clearances  (sometimes called an Australian Habilitation) but a company does not yet have those credentials, it holds them at a perceived disadvantage.

We have two options for your consideration.

Our Cleard Life Suitability Interview & Assessment demonstrates risk reduction and is powered by official security vetting officers and generates results in as little as ‘next day’. It is required for all potential DISP Entry level members – and applied to all their workforce (cleared & uncleared) , in accordance with DSPF, PSPF and AS4811:2022.

The problem. 1:4 AGSVA clearances applicants are not granted. The average wait time for some clearances exceeds two years (eg. NV1 640 days). 1:20 have illegal conduct issues in their past. More than 1:25 are unable to get certain clearances due to being assessed as unsuitable. Others are simply not eligible because of uncheckable backgrounds rules (relating to extended overseas periods). That’s why a police check alone is not acceptable to DISP Members – even at entry level.

SMEs now have access to this reputable, military grade pre-security clearance check credential. The check demonstrates:
(a) the risk of excessive personnel management delays and subsequent project overruns are been actively managed and appropriately considered and
(b) the businesses have pre-screened ‘suitable’ and ‘eligible’ personnel who are “ready, willing and able”.

From AGSVA’s perspective, the check ‘knocks-out’ problematic cases before the epack application process even begins. The official process and throughput is therefore incrementally faster.

As an Australian SME ourselves, we are proud to be partnering with Australian industry involved in Defence projects.

Changes with Defence Industry policies allow us to sponsor manage your security clearances (Baselines, NV1s, NV2s) on your behalf.

Take it up a notch: The Highest Standard: Introducing the Cleard Plus program. 

For serious organisations that are working with, in or towards defence-related security cleared opportunities, we can help. We have solved the Catch 22 problem “You need a contract to sponsor or maintain a security  clearance: you can’t sponsor or maintain security clearance until you get the contract”.

Or perhaps it is “We need our people to get onto Defence Bases unescorted – we need Baselines.”

As a commonwealth vetting company and a DISP member, we are uniquely placed to understand the Defence Security Principles Framework (DSPF), the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF), vetting guidelines, policies and protocols. The Cleard Plus program benefits your business by giving you personnel security capacity (known as a vetting officers, security officers and assistant security officers) and can sponsor and manage your security clearances for you.

We assist in the coordination and administration of applying for personnel security clearances and the ongoing associated administration functions.

We start understand your needs and your circumstances and see if we can help.

Get in touch today – or call 02-6141-4171.

Read more Require Suitability Assessments to be done

Read more PERSEC a challenge